For the first painting, it w
ill be for the baby. Firstly, for the baby, I choose to put the photo in the middle of the painting, and it a very straight position. This is to symbolize the baby will be always the centre of attention. Parents and family members will always take goo care of the baby and make sure everything will be perfect for him/her. The objects scattered around the photo are chosen specifically. The 2 photos will represent the love received by the baby from the parents, and the bond between them. The aphalbet cards represents the young age of babies. They are currently in the stage where they start to be exposed to the world and also starting the life long process of learning. The alphabet cards also shows the comparative mindset of the parents nowadays, and how kids as young as 2 years old will start learning.
The storybook represents the daily activities parents and babies experience, for example the storytelling, which shows the bonds between parents and children.This painting is colourful which symbolizes that his life is full of hope and positiveness.
For the second painting, it
depicts a photo of a young boy around the age of 7. The photo of him is still situated at the middle of the painting, which shows that children are still parents' center of attention. The drawings around the photo symbolizes the purity and innocence of children. They will often draw pictures of th eir superhero, as they are very ambitious at this stage. They want to be just like th eir superhero and make positive changes to the world when they grow up. The writing "I love mommy" shows the close relationship and the love between the child and the mother. The splashed orange juice shows the carelessness of the child and the hand print symbolizes the innovation and the fun-seeking characteristics of the child.This painting is rather colourful and vibrant which shows that the child's life full of energy and cheerful.
The third painting depicts the te
enager. The painting is mainly made up of websites, mostly websites that are often visited by teenagers and youth, such as youtube and facebook. The picture of the teenager (the display picture of facebook) is covered covered by the y outube website, this shows that teenagers spent a relative huge amount of time on internet. The "its complicated with" symbolises the relationships teenagers are going through in this stage of life. The "friends (1026)" shows us that friends is a very important part of teenagers' life and that most of them have a huge group of friends. The blogspot shows what teenagers are going through on a daily basis, which is school stress and examination. This painting shows that even through teenagers are still enjoying life, occupying their lives with friends and internet, they start to experience stress and pressure. The painting is still rather colourful to show that overall, teenagers' lives are still enjoyable and happy.
The fourth one depict
s the adults. The photo of the adult is no longer palced in the center, however it has moved to the corn er of the painting. This shows that adults are no longer center of attention. In this age groups, that are the ones taking care of others, and instead of the others taking care and paying attention on them. I purposely made the painting rather messy, with papers and files partly covering the photo. The untidiness gives a sense of panic and stress, and it also symbolizes the fact that often adults are overwhelmed by things such as the loans and salary. The painting shows several things that adults are worried and constantly stressed about, such as the house and car loans, the GST and debt. The calculator with negative numbers on them expresses the fact that most adults faces the problem of debt and insufficient money. The notes scattered around shows that earning money is a important part of the adult's lives. The colour scheme of this painting is slightly dull and less vibrant, as the adult life is not as cheerful and enjoying as the past. Adults constantly meet prob lems and it is their responsibility to resolve them.
The last paintings depicts th e l if e of an elderly. The picture of the elderly is shown on the obituary section of the newspa per. T his symbolizes the fact that each elderly faces the stress and fear of death and it is a part of the lif e cycle to die. I choose the newspaper as it has a dull colour, with gives the painting a sense of hopelessness and helplessness, which is constantly felt by the elderly. The medical bills around the picture shows us that they too experiences financial stress as they need huge sums of money to pay for the medical bills. The pills and medicine show that the elderly do also experiences physical burner as their health deteriorate day by day, and that is why they may be grumpy at times, they do not feel as energetic as before. The old photo of the family shows that although the elderly may be grumpy to their families at times, they do still love their family and treasure their happy memories in the past. The entire painting is dull in colour, to show that this stage of life is not particularly that happy and hopeful.
Overall, these 5 paintings together will show the cycle of life most of the people face today.

The third painting depicts the te
The fourth one depict

The last paintings depicts th e l if e of an elderly. The picture of the elderly is shown on the obituary section of the newspa per. T his symbolizes the fact that each elderly faces the stress and fear of death and it is a part of the lif e cycle to die. I choose the newspaper as it has a dull colour, with gives the painting a sense of hopelessness and helplessness, which is constantly felt by the elderly. The medical bills around the picture shows us that they too experiences financial stress as they need huge sums of money to pay for the medical bills. The pills and medicine show that the elderly do also experiences physical burner as their health deteriorate day by day, and that is why they may be grumpy at times, they do not feel as energetic as before. The old photo of the family shows that although the elderly may be grumpy to their families at times, they do still love their family and treasure their happy memories in the past. The entire painting is dull in colour, to show that this stage of life is not particularly that happy and hopeful.
Overall, these 5 paintings together will show the cycle of life most of the people face today.
Hi xinda!!! first of all I really like your coursework :) it's something very direct and straightforward. CLEAR CUT, I like. I've seen your final in progress a few times and I really like your style of painting. It's very different from the typical SUPER BLENDING like shiyin and valerie and zhiyi, but yet it has a very raw stylistic outlook when the brushwork isn't totally polished off. IMPASTO TOO!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm quite excited to see your work displayed in the art gallery and how people would respond to it. Indeed we have alot to learn when it comes to empathising with people from other age groups, esp our parents and teachers and ahmas and ahgongs!
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed by how every move you've made about your painting has a meaning behind, like how a kid is always the centre of attention that's why the pic is in the middle. I'm also loving the spilled orange juice concept--how it shows a kid's carelessness.
I also have a concern though. Your work seems to be slightly pessimistic our future? Like how everything is almost like going downhill since we're born. I know that in a person's life, when one grows up, there will be more and more problems and stress, but maybe the amount of joy they receive also increase? The reason why children is always cheerful are probably due to their indifference towards the world. But as an adult, perhaps them knowing that working hard in their job will create a better future for their kids, and that makes them enjoy their work?
Afterall, I still like your work very much, just maybe it could have been less emo. Now it makes me not want to grow old and wrinkly. Hah kidding.I LOVE YOUR PAINTING STYLE TOO!! Quotes Xinda "I think if you can't see the thick paint on an oil painting, it's not like a painting at all".